Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Say Goodbye To Bad Breath, Plaque, Tartar And Kill Harmful Bacteria In Your Mouth With Only One Ingredient!

Say Goodbye To Bad Breath, Plaque, Tartar And Kill Harmful Bacteria In Your Mouth With Only One Ingredient!
This ancient Ayurvedic dental technique is known as oil pulling or also as “gundusha” or “kavala” and involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in the mouth for 15-20 minutes, and it is very important to do this on an empty stomach.

It will clean the toxins from the body and will help in improving the oral and overall health. Also, it is very effective for whitening the teeth and detoxifying the teeth and gums at the same time.

Most of the people who used this technique claim that it helps in treating arthritis, asthma, infections, headaches, hormonal imbalance and skin conditions.

How to perform the technique?

It is a really simple technique. Just put a couple teaspoons of vegetable oil (coconut, sesame, olive oil) in your mouth and swish it for 20 minutes. Spit it out and wash the mouth with water.

Do the procedure every morning and on an empty stomach, or in the evening before going to bed, in order to get the best results.


Put 1-2 teaspoons of the vegetable oil you will choose, in the mouth and swish for 20 minutes. The oil will become milky and thicker during the swishing, and when you spit it out it will be creamy white.

Wash your mouth with warm water and brush the teeth as you usually do.

At first, maybe it will be a bit difficult for you, but after a few minutes, you will get used to it. Repeat the procedure regularly and after just one week your teeth will be whiter and brighter.
source: healthonlinecentral

You Have Tartar On Your Teeth? Remove It Easy With This 4 Remedies

You Have Tartar On Your Teeth? Remove It Easy With This 4 Remedies
Tartar is a dental or cosmetic concern caused due to calcified material which is yellowish brown and it is formed from bacterial debris, plaque and hardened mineral deposits of the saliva.

Tartar is forming on the teeth surface. Chalky substance called tartar is caused due to the continuous accumulation of minerals from saliva on the teeth. It is important to remove tartar before it causes irreparable dental damage.

Step by step instructions to expel Tartar from your Teeth

Notwithstanding customary dental cleanliness, you can utilize some regular solutions for uproot plaque and tartar. Keep in mind; once the tartar has mineralized on your teeth, it is greatly hard to get rid of.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is effective at dealing with gum disease caused by plaque and tartar. It kills the bacteria that cause plaque buildup and fights bad breath.

Take and slit aloe vera leaf and use the extract from the pulp. Rub it on your teeth directly and on the gum line as well. Wait for ten minutes and then rinse with cold water. Practice this treatment twice a day for better results.

Or as an alternative you can put half a cup of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of aloe Vera gel, 10 drops of lemon essential oil and 4 teaspoons of vegetable glycerin in a cup of water. Mix thoroughly to combine and store the liquid in a suitable container. Scrub your teeth daily with this mixture to remove the tartar.

Baking soda

Baking soda, also called sodium bicarbonate, is a perfect home remedy for removing plaque. It helps whiten and brighten your teeth and it neutralizes acids in the mouth.

Make a mixture of one tablespoon of baking soda and pinch of salt. Slightly wet the tooth brush and dip in the mixture. Scrub the teeth and rinse off. Or as an alternative put a small amount of baking soda on the bristles of your wet toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. Rinse your mouth and teeth thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Use any of these remedies once or twice a week. But do not use it in excess because it may damage the tooth enamel

Bite Sesame Seeds

Sesame seed are basic home solution for expel tartar from teeth. Gradually bite a modest bunch of sesame seeds, however don’t swallow them. At that point brush your teeth with a dry toothbrush with the bit sesame seeds still in your mouth. These seeds go about as a characteristic scour. They spotless, shine the teeth and helps you uproot tartar.

Orange Peels

Another extraordinary home solution for tartar evacuation is rubbing orange peels specifically onto the teeth. . Leave this overnight and don’t wash. The limonene in orange peels separates plaque without dissolving your veneer, while the vitamin C in them counteracts development of microorganisms on your teeth. Orange peels can likewise be made into a glue and connected on the teeth which will battle tartar shaping microorganisms in the mouth

On the off chance that you don’t have new orange peels, you can utilize dried orange peel powder. This home cure works amazingly in the event that it is done routinely. This natural product – Juice can be utilized to treat Arthritis, Constipation, Bleeding gums, …

Reverse Cavities And Heal Tooth Decay With These 5 Steps!

Reverse Cavities And Heal Tooth Decay With These 5 Steps!
A type of tooth decay that occur when specific types of bacteria produce acid that destroys the tooth’s enamel as well as the underlying layer, the dentin, are called cavities. Many people believe that once tooth decay sets in, it’s impossible to reverse it, but the truth is, there are several ways to naturally reverse cavities.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, cavities and tooth decay can potentially be reversed with diet. The study divided 62 children with cavities into three diet groups. Group 1 ate a standard diet plus oatmeal, which is rich in phytic acid. Group 2 ate a normal diet and supplemented with Vitamin D, while Group 3 ate a grain-free diet and also took Vitamin D.

Researchers found that Group 1, who had a diet high in grains and phytic acid, had an increase in cavities. Group 2 showed improvements in cavities, while Group 3, who followed a grain-free diet with nutrient-rich foods and a Vitamin D supplement, saw the greatest improvements. Nearly all of the cavities in Group 3’s participants were healed.

Many doctors and dentists have backed the findings of this study, suggesting that diet can in fact help those suffering with cavities to reverse their tooth decay. While we’ve been led to believe that tooth decay occurs when foods containing sugars and starches are left on the teeth, this study shows there are more factors at work. According to Dr. Edward Mellanby, Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Ramiel Nagel, there are four main things that contribute to tooth decay:

  • Lack of minerals in the diet (deficiencies of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus)
  • Lack of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)
  • Too much consumption of phytic acid-rich foods
  • Too much consumption of processed sugar
Natural Ways to Reverse Cavities

1. Remove Sugar

If you want healthy, cavity-free teeth, sugar cannot be a part of your diet. Not only does it feed oral bacteria that prevents a healthy flow of dental fluids, it’s also highly acidic, allowing it to decalcify and demineralize the structural content of teeth!

2. Consume Nutrient-Rich Foods

Beating tooth decay requires an increase in fat-soluable vitamins and minerals. A diet full of vegetables – especially leafy green vegetables, and foods high in healthy fats such as coconut oil and avocado, along with nuts and seeds can help create the ideal diet for battling tooth decay.

3. Try Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been used for centuries as an oral detoxification procedure. Simply swish a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes, then spit the oil into the trash. If 20 minutes is too long, start with 3-5 minutes. Oil pulling has been praised for its ability to treat numerous health issues, from gingivitis to headaches.

4. Eliminate Phytic Acid

Phytic acid is a mineral blocker and enzyme inhibitor that’s found in grains, nuts, seeds and beans that are not organic or GMO-free. It can cause serious health problems, such as mineral deficiencies and osteoporosis. Phytic acid prevents you from absorbing the minerals in your food, while leaching minerals out of your body, bones and teeth. Avoid foods high in phytic acid by choosing organic and GMO-free.

5. Use Mineralizing Toothpaste

Fluoride-free toothpaste can be expensive, but there are some brands that are more affordable than others. You can also make your own remineralizing toothpaste at home using:

  • 3 tablespoons of food grade diatomaceous earth clay
  • 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon mint-flavored chlorophyll
  • 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon filtered water

How To Remove Dental Plaque In 5 Minutes Naturally, Without Going To The Dentist!

How To Remove Dental Plaque In 5 Minutes Naturally, Without Going To The Dentist!
Plaque is the accumulation of food waste in the internal and external surfaces of the teeth. This oral disease can cause bad breath and may also develop other conditions such as the same condition sarro-, which develops when these food residues harden and calcined in the teeth causing bleeding and halitosis.

Although there is no definitive solution to prevent the development of plaque on the teeth, you can perform a number of home procedures to reduce the accumulation of these residues in the mouth and prevent this disease progresses. Do you dare to know more?

For people who smoke is common that these plates are dark yellow due to the accumulation of nicotine in the teeth. The same applies to people who are used to drinking coffee and chewing snuff. Plaque is the beginning of what may be a major problem as tooth decay and even tooth loss.

What is recommended for the average person, it is to visit the dentist every 6 months for a procedure known as deep prophylaxis. Although this procedure is not expensive, most people last year without going to the dentist, as well because they forget or because they fear professional mouth. In this article we will show you an amazing remedy to remove plaque without having to go to the dentist !

Home Remedy 1

  • 1/2 liter of water.
  • 60 grams of flour nutshell.

preparation :

In a container preferably aluminum, let boil water and 60 grams of flour nutshell, low heat until it reaches boiling point, then let it boil 10 minutes on low heat. The result will be a slurry similar to toothpaste, that we will use to brush our teeth for 5 minutes 2 times a month.

Home Remedy 2

  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seed.
  • 2 tablespoons of lime juice.
  • 1/2 liter of water.


In a container preferably aluminum, our ingredients Simmer over low heat for 1 hour, the result of this mixture use it to brush our teeth for 5 minutes 2 times a month. This will keep our teeth free of plaque and tartar.

Our oral hygiene is very important, because it is our letter to smile and talk. The accumulation of tartar and plaque causes bad breath, apart from how ugly it looks damaged teeth black, yellow and / or.


  • As discussed in this article, it is also essential to make good dental hygiene daily:
  • We cepillaremos our teeth after every meal, for at least two minutes, insisting well on all teeth and molars.
  • preferably we’ll use an ecological and natural toothpaste, because conventional contain substances too aggressive with our oral pH
  • We will use the thread or dental floss every night before bed to remove food debris between teeth
  • We can also use a mouthwash. If we want natural one we can do with thyme and mint infusion or diluted with sea water and two parts average natural water
  • If we visit the dentist old scale for a dental cleaning, although it is also not recommended to be performed too often as they could damage our enamel.

Watch Your Teeth Get White In Just 2 Min With This Home Remedy

Watch Your Teeth Get White In Just 2 Min With This Home Remedy
We as a whole need to have an impeccable grin, and the teeth are the calling card of a man which creates a decent impression to others.

This is the motivation behind why every one of us need to have white and slick teeth. The initial step, in the event that you need to take the look of all and open the entryways of the world, is keeping up great oral cleanliness. We give you the ideal home cure you ought to use in the event that you need to brighten your teeth in two minutes.

You don’t need to burn through cash on costly dental medications. To get the grin you need, you ought to utilize this trap. Perceive how you can clean your teeth rapidly, by using this straightforward, viable and intense strategy. You will simply require two or three basic and profoundly accessible fixings you can discover in your store: preparing pop and lemon.

Ensure that these two fixings are close at your hands, and after that take after these strides on the off chance that you need to accurately use this home treatment:
  • Include a tablespoon of heating pop in a dish.
  • Cut the lemon in two parts
  • At that point, crush the lemon and get a tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Add the lemon juice to the heating pop and blend the fixings
  • Take a napkin
  • You ought to utilize the napkin to take the blend out of the dish
  • Apply the blend to your teeth, ensuring you apply it to each of them
  • You need to sit tight for two minutes, so that the cure can work

Wash your mouth and the teeth well and get the outcome you anticipated. Investigate in the mirror and perceive how your teeth have gotten to be more white. You ought not rehash this system over and over again and misuse its advantages, since you can produce wear on your tooth lacquer. Use this trap sparingly keeping in mind the end goal to maintain a strategic distance from symptoms on your teeth.

Get Rid Of The Tooth Scale Effectively and Painless! Very simple way!

Get Rid Of The Tooth Scale Effectively and Painless! Very simple way!
The unpleasant yellow and even brown plaques on your teeth can be removed at home!

It is common problem among all people and the modern dentistry offers many modern ways of elimination.

Today we consume less firm, raw food which requires good chewing and we often eat soft, slurry food which does not require great mechanical processing.

So often it comes to formation of dental plaque. But there is a method that is simple and can save you money.

The oral hygiene is very important: If you regularly and properly brush your teeth this kind of layers will be slowly created. Otherwise it may develop an inflammatory disease – periodontitis.

If the infection penetrates to the root canal it can lead to inflammation of the entire tissue. Fortunately, there is a natural medicine for preventing this terrible disease!

  • Take few shells from walnuts and boil them in water for about 20 minutes.
  • Once they become cool, strain the liquid.
  • After, brush your teeth with this liquid.

This procedure can be repeated three times a day – until the deposits completely disappear!

If you regularly brush your teeth with this liquid you will soon see the result – the plaque will be completely removed. This fluid has antibacterial properties and therefore is useful for all who suffer from bleeding of gums: inflammation disappears for a short time.

source: healthypage365

Garlic Kills 13 Different Infections and 14 Kinds Of Cancers

If you suffer from chronic disease or cancer, you have probably heard that consuming lots of vegetable can battle the illness and support your body to withstand drugs prescribed to you including chemotherapy.

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, garlic is rich in compounds especially powerful in the fight against cancer so it may help you treat cancer if you incorporate in your diet.


The presence of sulfur compound allicin gives the primary health benefits of this veggie. 1 ml of allicin is actually 15 times as potent as penicillin.

A wide range of protection against yeast infections, antibiotic resistant MRSA, parasites, viruses and pathogenic bacteria are offered by this strong compound.

33 active sulfur containing substances are consisted in garlic. Allicin converts to sulfenic acid when ingested which represents the fastest acting free radical killer.

Many health experts and nutritionists promote consuming whole foods as essential healing method. The best way to ensure garlic’s health benefits is to consume it fresh and raw. Do not forget that you should wait 5 min before consuming it once you chop it because this activates the potent allicin in the veggie.


4525 abstracts on garlic have proved that garlic can prevent and heal over 150 health conditions – from mercury poisoning, DNA damage, infection to plaque buildup to diabetes and cancer.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), garlic can be a great alternative to global vaccination especially in the poorer countries. This veggie is easier to distribute and acquire and can be easily grown by the affected people.

14 Types of Cancer Can Be Killed By Cancer

Billions of dollars are spent by the drug industry for cancer pill, but unfortunately has not succeeded. Synthetic medicine causes more diseases in the body because it is highly toxic and also has many side effects.

Complete nutrients to health the body and stop diseases are consisted in natural and whole foods.

Garlic can eliminate 14 kinds of cancer:

1.Pancreatic Cancer




5.Liver Cancer

6.CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) – Leukemia

7.Gastritic Cancer

8.Endometrial Cancer

9.Colon Cancer

10.Cervical Cancer

11.Breast Cancer

12.Basal Cell Carcinoma

13.Acute Myloid Leukemia

14.Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Garlic Protects the Heart

It prevents stroke and heart issues:

1.Vascualr inflammation

2.Dysfunction of arteries dilation

3.The presence of antioxidants prevent oxidation of cholesterol

4.Lowers blood pressure

5.Increase better circulation

6.Modualtes blood lipids

7.Protects against clotting

8.Increases heart muscle and white adipose and beneficially decreases white adipose tissue

9.Retards progression of arterial plaque

13 Types of Infections Can Be Killed By Garlic

  1. Group B Streptococcus Infection
  2. Viral Infections: human rhinovirus type 2, vesicular stomatitis virus, vaccinia virus, Parainfluenza virus type 3, Herpes Simplex 1 and 2.
  3. Clostridium infections
  4. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
  5. Vibrio infection
  6. HIV-1 infection
  7. Klebseilla infection
  8. Candida (Yeast) infection
  9. Helicobacter Pylori infection
  10. Mycotoxin-associated aflatoxicosis
  11. Cytomegalavirus Infections
  12. Pseudomonas Aerigonosima,
  13. Fungal overgrowth in oral cavity (Thrush)
  14. MRSA

The most interesting thing about this veggie is that it only kills the harmful – not the beneficial microorganisms.

Flush Out the Liver and Intestinal Toxins While You Sleep With a Spoonful of This Before Go To Sleep

Prepare this magic potion before you go to sleep!

Chop up 2 cloves of garlic, wait for 5 min, gather the garlic in a tbsp and then swallow it with some water. You can also add some honey!

Honey and garlic will travel to your digestive tract while you sleep and neutralize all the foreign chemicals, viruses, fungi, harmful bacteria, carcinogens and toxins before they harm the healthy cells in the body.

The sulfur will also flush out the heavy metals and detox your liver of blood toxins.

As long as you do not chew it, swallowing the chopped garlic won’t give garlic breath.

Drink a glass of water in the morning and your first bowel movement will have garlic odor. It means that the harmful waste have been removed from your precious body.

Do not waste your time and try it!